Sat. 3:54 PM EST September 30th, 2000 |
Tallas 25964731 |
Well, we lost one member, and gained another. It's not a trade I like to make often, but here it is: lost Lupus, got Macdaddy. Lupus will be missed, but Macdaddy is a more than capable replacement - let's make him feel welcome :) Nothing has changed about the scrimmage, it'll go on as planned. Time to get our hands dirty with OP's blood :P |
Wed. 12:58 AM EST September 27th, 2000 |
Tallas 25964731 |
RTS had its best practice to date, even though in terms of showing, it was merely average. We are starting to mesh. I was pleased with the initial response to my ultimatum below, and apologize for not making my desire for early shows more clearly known. Owning Grounds is back up, and it was a HUGE help, as server settings were fine, and ping was excellent. We don't have another practice before we play OP this Sunday, so hopefully what we put in was enough. The match is at 8:00 EST, and if you don't show early, you can sit yer arse on the bench. Tell me if you cannot attend... we really need about everyone to show (meaning someone may be added to the roster before then). Keep it up. Oh, BTW, stuff is being slowly added to the info section of our site... preliminary rules are already up... not that reading them will enlighten you much ;) |
Sun. 11:38 PM EST September 24th, 2000 |
Tallas 25964731 |
Practice wasn't so good but that was almost to be expected due to the poor showing (which I knew about beforehand). We'll live, but from now on I want all members in IRC 15 minutes before the scheduled practice, so we can start on time. We have a scrimmage this Sunday, October 1st, vs OP at 8:00 PM EST. All members expecting to play round one must show in IRC by 7:40 or notify me that they are showing. Details: 2fort5l, 2 rounds, 10 vs 10, 35 minutes (5 prematch), servers undecided. I'm looking forward to that and Tuesday's practice, so we can fine-tune beforehand. |
Thurs. 12:31 AM EST September 21st, 2000 |
Tallas 25964731 |
Aftershock, everyone's favorite fatass, has decided to pad our ample roster with his overbearing presense. I always wanted to write a sentence like that :) Anyway, Saturday has been removed as a possibility for a scrim - and I'm waiting on [merr] to see if we can play them this Sunday. I will post later on that... I have also scheduled a scrimmage against OP for October 1st. More details to come as the time goes by... |
Wed. 12:59 AM EST September 20th, 2000 |
Tallas 25964731 |
Well, another solid practice. Not much to say, really, except check back here in case we have a scrimmage this weekend (Saturday, most likely, if at all). Oh and Dragonite has changed his name back to Nutz - not many of you knew him I guess. Someone deleted Owning Grounds from the box it was on, so we used the [SWAT] server, which was more than suitable. Owning Grounds will be back up... eventually. |
Tue. 1:26 AM EST September 19th, 2000 |
Tallas 25964731 |
StarScream, the man of many names, has left us to return to [merr] - now that his schedule permits it. He was a member of the original RTS, and was known as Killer, and then SithLord. In [merr] he is known as Carnage, so say hello when you see him. Ties were severed with no hard feelings. GL to Carnage in [merr]. |
Mon. 3:40 AM EST September 18th, 2000 |
Tallas 25964731 |
Practice last night was excellent. I'm gonna keep this short, because I'm tired and have class later. Bad Ass was tried out at Defensive Leader and did an outstanding job in all areas of the game. He will keep that spot when available. He has chosen ProudPyro as his assistant... so I guess I have to listen to my brother now. DOH. I have not yet chosen an offensive assistant, but probably will when someone clearly steps up and claims it =P I am asking clans about a possible scrimmage this weekend - with the possibility of Saturday to keep our practices in sync. I think we're ready to get our feet wet. Keep up the good work. |
Wed. 12:01 AM EST September 13th, 2000 |
Tallas 25964731 |
Big news in the last day. RTS has gained FOUR more very capable members - Shadow, Azmodan, Knuckles, and BaD ASS. Needless to say recruiting is over. Practice was difficult, as it almost didn't happen, due to Owning Grounds being down, and some issues with the BeL server. Well eventually BeL's server got set up, and we played a round. Many thanks to Hobbes and Curly - it should be available to us each Tuesday practice - and hopefully ping better for some of you. RTS parts ways with Blink; unfortunately he won't get to make the contributions he's capable of due to "creative differences" (sic). On a sadder note, longtime player Josh has retired from MTF. I will miss him, as will RTS. Next practice, Sunday (finally, a break!). |
Mon. 12:07 AM EST September 11th, 2000 |
Tallas 25964731 |
Another day, another practice. This time we had amazing TWELVE players show up, including two non-members - Shadow and BaD. We may see more of them in the future, who knows. Which brings me to this: we're just about through recruiting for now. I think we have 2 spots unless something opens up, so the bar has been raised to get them. I'm not sure how fond I am of this recent update to the news format, but oh well. It does look nice in IE, but how does that help me, heh. Sorry about the server... there is a basic agreement that it sucks (especially for Lupus, gee whiz), so I challenge YOU to find a better one. That's right, anyone in the clan can beg for a server :) Next practice - Tuesday. |
Sat. 1:33 AM EST September 9th, 2000 |
Kenjura 3381328 |
New format! W00t. As you may have noticed, I've been slowly replacing old shitty-style pages with these new ones. It's rather like merr's design. Perhaps I wanted to prove that I'm almost as good as plasticity. ^_^ In any case, enjoy the new site. Maybe there will be a flash movie...hmm.... |
Fri. 5:01 PM EST September 8th, 2000 |
Kenjura 3381328 |
Well, I'm hacking slowly away at this shitty old website. I'll make a better nav bar soon. The news, record, members, and information pages still need to be (re)done. Check out join.html! Use IE, dammit. That page is my pride and joy. Most of you bastards won't appreciate the coding that went into that, but screw you all. ^_^ |
Fri. 12:50 AM EST September 8th, 2000 |
Tallas 25964731 |
We finally had what was our first practice as a clan last night, and it went fairly well. Defense was tough once they got settled in. I have been told that Thursdays are not the best practice dates by more than 1 person, so I'll likely end up with Tuesdays at 10 PM EST and Sundays at 9 PM EST (which BTW, is our next practice time). If both of these times are inadequate, well then we need to talk. We are proud to welcome x[HoP]Blink into RTS. He is a member of Team Canada and will surely strengthen our already solid defense. On an unfortunate note, Kenjura's Sasami server has been having problems, due to a terrible router on SprintLink. Until that issue gets resolved, the Owning Grounds will serve as our practice field. |
Tue. 7:30 PM EST September 5th, 2000 |
Tallas 25964731 |
Well, what can I say. It's been nearly 10 months since RTS last walked among the MTF servers and I must say a lot has changed. For one, there will be no merger ever again. It ruined us last time and I don't like to be known as a complete moron. Clans have come and gone and I've seen my share, and met some great people as a result. Also, a few other things have changed. Much of the old group has moved on, and this is essentially a new clan - not the old RTS who had no server, and some (ahem) leadership problems. But enough of that, we're ready to practice, and soon ready to compete! |