Sun. 11:36 PM EST
October 29th, 2000
Cancelled the Saturday practice because I knew we wouldn't get enough to show... Sunday's practice introduced some new setups for well6, and a new face - Mr Kul. He joins us as "Ownag" (no, not a typo), and obviously has plenty of talent to help us with. Practice was good, if a bit different. Don't be surprised if we have a well6 or combo match next Sunday.
Wed. 10:22 PM EST
October 25th, 2000
Turns out Crim had other arrangements he didn't tell me about, so he can't be in RTS any longer. Well I hope it's worth it, bud.
Wed. 7:40 PM EST
October 25th, 2000
Good news - DJ is back and ready to kick some ass again. I got tired of calling him Bad Ass so I changed it on the roster as well. This is especially necessary since I can't set up a well6 defense for dick, as evidenced last night in practice :) Criminal (Crim) is the fourth ex-Godlike member to join our ranks. He is an exceptionally talented player, which is seeming to become the norm in RTS :) Another Owning Grounds is up on, which I have lent to BoD when they need it. Thankfully our practice times have very little overlap, so one should always be available to the public. There will be no match this weekend, as I feel we need to practice the crap out of well6 for now.
Sun. 10:35 PM EST
October 22nd, 2000
Saturday we didn't get a great showing so we went over the basics of impact1, a map which many mTF players could stand to learn a bit better. Anyway that went well, but the highlight of the weekend was the match tonight vs BoD. After numerous server crashes on OG, we finally got to play bam4. The defense was nothing short of spectacular, allowing no flag touches, while the offense kept the enemy gun down for most of the round. Round 2 was played also on OG, but this time on 2fort5. Once again the D held the opposition capless, but the offense struggled for a bit before breaking out and controlling the game. Despite the margin of victory, this was no easy match. BoD was focused and relentless, made us work for every cap. They were also good sports throughout and helped make my evening an enjoyable one. GG.
Wed. 8:42 PM EST
October 18th, 2000
Yesterday's practice was an improvement across the board. Just a few minor tweaks and we'll be fine on bam4. Speaking of which, we have a practice this Saturday @ 10 PM EST, and our match with BoD is this Sunday @ 8 PM EST. Of course you will want to show up early so we can start on time and go over a few things beforehand. Bam4 will be played in round 1, and 2fort5 in round 2. Looking ahead to next week, we will start practicing impact1. I know some of you are relatively unfamiliar with this map, and if so then you will want to take a look at it before practice.
Sun. 10:51 PM EST
October 15th, 2000
In light of recent problems, we will now have three practices per week, one or more of which may be a match on any given week. The times are Sunday @ 9 PM, Tuesday @ 10 PM, and Saturday @ 10 PM. All times are EST, of course. Good news for RTS: Azmodan is back and active, now that he's finally off of Netzero :) Aftershock has been promoted to offensive assistant, for reasons that should be obvious. Finally: I still do not have a set time for the BoD match, but it will probably start between 7 and 8 PM EST on Sunday the 22nd. One round will be on 2fort5, and the other on bam4. We have two practices between now and then, so let's make them count.
Sun. 11:22 PM EST
October 8th, 2000
Well the last practice didn't happen. Poor showing, server crashing, and all-around bad luck make Sunday a wash. Wednesday saw us welcome Hateplow (or Hate) to RTS. He is an excellent all-around player, and a former clanmate of Draven and I. We still do not have a match scheduled on bam4, partly because few clans like that map. Oh well, I'm not through trying. I will be out from Tuesday to Friday or later this week, and Syntheros will run practice in case I am unable to attend. Final thing: even though practice didn't happen, those who showed get credit for showing. That's all.
Wed. 12:18 AM EST
October 4th, 2000
Practice was decent, even though there were a few router problems that prevented it from going smoothly. I updated the roster to include ex-members and inactive members, the latter of which El Guerre and Azmodan now belong to. So don't freak when you don't see your name on the page guys. Also, expect a match coming up on bam4 fairly soon. I haven't scheduled with anyone yet but it is being worked on. I'll let you know when something happens.
Mon. 3:03 PM EST
October 2nd, 2000
It was a long time in coming, but we finally faced another clan in OP last night. Our defense and offense were both outstanding, particularly the 5-man defense holding off a 8-man attack at times - with no caps allowed. Neither team trash-talked, camped, or otherwise attempted to compromise the enjoyment of the game. My hat is off to OP for a clean, fun game. Well, we won... by a wide margin, but now it's time to move on to bam4, which is a quick learn - so we'll be looking for a match on it by next week. It's very likely another practice day will be chosen in addition to what we have, because Sunday appears to be optimal match time. Excellent work.