Thurs. 4:07 PM EST
November 23rd, 2000
It's obvious we have a lot to work on for 32smooth. At least we got a good practice in on Sunday; we're gonna keep working on it. Umm Silicon went back to RoT, you should know this already. And Shadow, he has gone inactive indefinately. Godspeed on your return. Active membership is dwindling to a minimum, so we are recruiting (still). Not much has been happening around here with the vacation and all, but things should pick up in a week or two.
Thurs. 4:44 AM EST
November 17th, 2000
Well, attendance was decent, but half of ya showed up at the last minute. I can't tell you how much this annoys me. Practice is supposed to START at the listed time, and it's very difficult to make a setup for 32smooth if 3 people show up with less than 5 minutes to start. So we practiced bam4. So we are recruiting again. So cut the crap, get in the channel, and please don't waste too much of my time. Our first new member is Silicon, an exiled RoT member. Most of you are familiar with him so I don't have to say a lot. If things don't shape up, I can promise you he won't be the last person competing for a spot. Oh yeah, we entered the TPL. Don't know when they start, but I plan on being ready for anything/one by the time they do.
Mon. 2:04 PM EST
November 13th, 2000
Admittedly, Saturday's practice was kind of dumb, and I had to ban L0stman from OG because he somehow got in and was posing as a member. Azmodan has left RTS for personal reasons, and we played [YEN] on Sunday. Despite the bitching by a few nameless players, it was a close and excellent game. RTS again came out on top with a second consecutive comeback victory. YEN made the same mistake as SWAT, attempting to shut us down after getting a lead by pulling back to 8 defenders. Eventually someone will note the pattern here... we got 5 caps after they went mostly-d, though three of those caps came after they had 2 members time out. I thank Macdaddy for sitting this one out, though I've been there and know it sucks. Oh, and congratulate Aftershock... he just made core :)
Fri. 11:22 PM EST
November 10th, 2000
This update is long overdue, and I blame it on laziness *shrug*. Ayway the match with SWAT was a nail-biter, and since I'm too lazy to type up a match report again, here's the link to my post on the Biscuit Board: GG SWAT. Anyhow, read that and tell me it wasn't a good game :P We have a scrimmage against clan [YEN] this Sunday at 8:30 PM EST in lieu of practice - should be a good challenge for both of us. Go ahead and laugh at the clan name, but they have a ton of talent and are not to be taken lightly. I have also gotten a RTS public and private forum from Red Fox on the Biscuit Board, so you'll want to register at so you can actually SEE the private board. Tell me once you have done so and I'll make sure your name is included in the permissions. Proudpyro and Cleetus have been promoted to core... meaning... well, they deserve recognition? Yep, that's it. Wraa this was long.
Mon. 7:45 PM EST
November 6th, 2000
Lot of news, both good and bad. First, the bad news. Hate was one of our newer menbers, one that never got to play with us, and I have just recently learned why: he was shot in the chest twice by his neighbor and lost some functionality in his left hand. The result is that he can no longer play effectively and thus retires from TF. I'll certainly miss him, as he was a friend of mine from D3m. Well, our match is tomorrow (Tuesday) at 9 PM EST. Be a half hour early, etc etc. Recent practices have been experimental, and we're going to bring some of those recent changes into the match. If you didn't make either or both, please contact me and I'll try to update you on the new stuff.
Thurs. 2:16 PM EST
November 2nd, 2000
Couple of things... Halloween practice was a disaster, as expected. I won't count it toward the attendance record, but thanks to those who did show. Starscream rejoins us as Carnage, and although I tire of his constant name changes, he will again be a help to our attack. Saturday and Sunday practices will go on as planned... but FINALLY - we have another match. The restless RTS will play SWAT on Tuesday, November 7th @ 8 PM EST, on 2fort5l for two rounds. SWAT is a very capable clan and this may prove to be our biggest challenge to date. And as a final note, I do plan on us joining TPL when it starts.